09 August 2009

Farm & Garden Dinner in Review

Last night, about 100 guests celebrated the Hoosier summer's bounty with a potluck meal and foodways demonstrations at the Farm & Garden Dinner, hosted by Epworth United Methodist's Green Team, the Sierra Club, and Slow Food Indy.

Before tucking in to Gunthorp Farm chicken provided by Goose the Market and barbecue sauce from Local Folks, we learned about sustainably produced, local farm ingredients while churning ice cream, canning tomatoes, and shucking corn. Recipe cards next to each pitch-in dish highlighted tasty uses for other local ingredients.
After dinner, Todd Jameson, president of Slow Food Indy and owner of Balanced Harvest Farm, spoke about what Slow Food means to him and about the local food scene in central Indiana. We can all have a part in the best food chain by voting with our forks and eating food that's Good, Clean, and Fair.

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